The event is organized by the GEO Polymorphic Cloud Association (Copernicus Relays), Space Research and Technology Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (SRTI-BAS) (Copernicus Academy)  and the Cluster for Aerospace Technologies and Research and Applications (CASTRA).

Copernicus Academy
Copernicus Relays



Provide information on the EU Earth Observation Programme – Copernicus. Training for access to satellite and thematic data from the Copernicus portals. European and world earth observation programs. Opportunities to support research, innovation and business solutions through the Copernicus program.


Cooperation between the scientific, educational, state and business organizations for joint partnerships in the field of use of Copernicus data, products and services. Presentation of good practices, innovative solutions and state-of-the-art developments. Users challenges and requirements in different areas of practice.


Demonstrate capabilities through concrete examples of EU Copernicus services and products in various applications in practice, science and business: environmental monitoring, climate change, air quality, biodiversity, agriculture and forestry, tourism and cultural heritage, disaster management, etc.


DAY ONE – 14.12.2022

III-rd national workshop with international participation under the EU Copernicus programme

Location: Online, Time Zone: EET

09:00 – 09:15

Welcome and virtual coffee break – video for the Copernicus programme


09:15 – 11:00

Space Programmes of EU – current state and future

09:15 – 09:20


Greeting addresses

Greeting to event participants from the Organising Committee

Prof. Dr. Georgi Jelev, Dipl. eng.

Space Research and Technology Institute – BAS

09:20 – 09:50

What is new in EU Copernicus Program – Copernicus 2.0

Annekatrien Debien

Copernicus Support Office

09:50 – 10:05

New contract of Bulgaria with ESA – ESA-PECS


Petya Piperkova, Chief Expert
Directorate “Policies and analysis”
Ministry of Innovation and Growth

10:05 – 10:35

ESA PECS activities in Bulgaria – analysis and perspectives

Michele Iapaolo, Country Officer (Lithuania, Bulgaria)
ESA, Directorate of Commercialisation, Industry and Procurement (CIP)

10:35 – 10:55

EU Agency for the Space Programme

EUSPA is the agency responsible for the downstream user uptake of Copernicus among other users, complementing the current efforts of the Copernicus programme ecosystem. Through a set of support actions such as the Cassini initiative, Horizon Europe, Copernicus demonstrators, the User Consultation Platform and other relevant activities, EUSPA is contributing towards an increased adoption of Copernicus to maximise the benefits of the EU Earth Observation programme in downstream markets.

Eduard Escalona Zorita (Space Downstream Market Officer)

European Union Agency for the Space Programme – EUSPA

Q&A session

11:00 – 11:20

Virtual coffee break – video for the Copernicus programme

11:20 – 12:40

Copernicus – opportunities and applications

11:20 – 11:50

Copernicus for business: Innovation programs for promoting entrepreneurship and business

Daniela Dobreva-Nielsen
AZO-Space of Innovation

11:50 – 12:10

Fostering Copernicus user uptake with FPCUP: status and progress

Seraphine Luneau

German Space Agency (DLR)

12:10 – 12:30

Copernicus User Uptake Actions in Greece

Giorgos Panagopoulos


12:30 – 12:40

Services of the Operational Unit BEYOND of the National Observatory of Athens

Lefteris Theodoropoulos

Operational Unit BEYOND Centre | IAASARS | National Observatory of Athens

12:40 – 13:00

e-discussion: Question and Answers to the Plenary Session

13:00 – 13:40

Lunch Break – Video for Copernicus

13:45 – 15:10

Copernicus related activities in Bulgaria

13:45 – 14:00

Recovery and resilience plan and Research, Innovation and Digitalisation for Smart
Transformation Programme 2021-2027

Lora Yosifova

General Directorate “European Funds for Competitiveness”

Ministry of Innovation and Growth

14:00 – 14:15

Space Calls in Horizon Europe

Assoc. Prof. Boyan Zhekov

National Coordinator Horizon Europe

14:15 – 14:35

The network of Copernicus Academy and Copernicus Rеlаys in Bulgaria

Copernicus Academy and Copernicus Relay are part of the Copernicus User-uptake Copernicus initiative. Members of their networks are scientific organizations, SMEs, NGOs and others working in the field of application of Earth Observation. The role of Copernicus Academy and Copernicus Relay is to raise awareness of the Copernicus program in each country. In the presentation you will learn who these organizations are in Bulgaria and what are their activities related to Copernicus.

Representatives of Copernicus Relays and Copernicus Academy in Bulgaria

14:35 – 14:45

Fostering Copernicus user uptake in Bulgaria in the frame of FPCUP

Lachezar Filchev (Space Research and Technology Institute – BAS)

Vesselin Vassilev (Cluster for Aerospace Technologies, Research and Applications – CASTRA)

Vassil Vassilev (GEO Polymorphic Cloud)

Q&A session

15:00 – 15:15

Virtual coffee break – video for the Copernicus programme


The information and training session on the thematic services of the Copernicus program of the EU will be led by representatives of Copernicus Academy&Relays in Bulgaria – IKIT-BAN, GEO Polymorphic Cloud and specialists from the scientific community on individual topics.

15:15 – 16:45

15:15 – 15:45

Copernicus Services: Atmosphere Monitoring

The main topic areas will be presented, with an emphasis on air quality forecasting products – pollutant types, geographic areas, as well as tools to support decission on air quality. The portals for obtaining visual information (maps) will be displayed, as well as those for accessing the digital data. The new elements of the services will be commented on as well as some examples of applications using CAMS data.

Prof. Dr. Emilia Georgieva

National Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology – NIMH

15:45 – 16:15

Copernicus services: Marine Environment Monitoring

We will present the information about the World Ocean, which is provided in real time and for the past climatic period. The available products are divided thematically as Blue Ocean – the physical parameters, Green Ocean – biogeochemical parameters and White Ocean – parameters for the ice cover. We will give explanation on how to find and download the variables you are interested in. We will also look at the newly developed Ocean Monitoring Indicators and Ocean State Report. Special attention will be paid to the Black Sea and what is happening there – the trends in temperature, sea level, circulation and dissolved oxygen content.

Assoc. Prof. Elisaveta Peneva, Ph.D. (Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”)

16:15 – 16:45

Copernicus Services: Emergency Management

In the presentation, we will briefly present the “Emergency” service of the Copernicus Program, the way to activate the service, the data, and products that are provided for certified and public access, as well as the prospects for its future development. The three systems of the thematic service for prevention and planning, early warning and monitoring of disasters will be briefly examined: the European Flood Awareness System (EFAS), the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) and the European Drought Observatory (EDO).

Vassil Vassilev, GEO Polymorphic Cloud, (Copernicus Relays)

16:45 – 17:00

Virtual coffee break – video for the Copernicus programme

17:00 – 18:30

17:00 – 17:30

Copernicus Services: Land Monitoring

In the presentation we will present the information about the global biogeophysical products, pan-European products for land use and land cover, local products with high resolution; how to find satellite images and reference data on the Internet and use them in our daily work. We will pay special attention to mapping of agricultural crops with the help of data from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 for the territory of Bulgaria. A comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the multitemporal supervised classification will be made using radar and optical data from the Copernicus program. We will also present the strategy for the development of CLMS in the next phase in the light of the transition to Copernicus 2.0.

Prof. Dr. Lachezar Filchev (SRTI-BAS)

15:45 – 16:15

Copernicus Services: Climate Change

In the presentation we will explain how we can access Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) products and data, what is available now and what is planned for the future. We will access data from the Climate Data Store, process them with its Toolbox and Python libraries, and introduce the C3S Demonstrator.

Vassil Vassilev, GEO Polymorphic Cloud, (Copernicus Relays)

16:15 – 16:45

DAY TWO – 15.12.2022

III-rd national workshop with international participation under the EU Copernicus programme

Location: Online

08:50 – 09:00

Registration and virtual cafe – video for the Copernicus programme

09:00 – 10:30


09:00 – 09:15

Achievements under the ESA-PECS project “Revealing the power of SAR data in different application areas – educating the new generation of professionals”

Prof. Hristo Nikolov, Space Research and Technology Institute – SRTI-BAS

Assoc. Prof. Mila Atanasova, National Institute for Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography NIGGG-BAS

09:15 – 09:30

Combining satellite and open access data for reservoir management and agricultural yield. Creating models through deep learning

Paulina Raeva, „MAP.ING“ Ltd.
Andrea Ivanova, „MAP.ING“ Ltd.
Vassil Popov, TU-Sofia, Plovdiv branch

09:30 – 09:45

Intelligent information infrastructure for monitoring and exploitation of water resources

Mariana Damova, Emil Stoyanov, Stanko Stankov, Hermand Pessek

Mozaika Ltd.

09:45 – 10:00

The added value of earth observation in flood risk assessment, monitoring and early warning

Alexia Tsouni, Stavroula Sigourou

Operational Unit BEYOND of IAASARS/NOA

10:00 – 10:15

Copernicus and open access data for flood analyses in Bulgaria in the frame of European Flood Risk Directive

Nadya Tsvetkova, Vassil Vassilev

Geopolymorphic Ltd.

10:15 – 10:30

Simulating the spread of oil spills detected on radar satellite images

Irina Gancheva

Faculty of Physics, Sofia University

10:30 – 10:45

Virtual Coffee break – presentations for Copernicus programme

10:45 – 12:00


10:45 – 11:00

Use of CAMS products for analysis of desert dust transport to Bulgaria

Emilia Georgieva, Anastasia Stoycheva, Christina Kirova

National Institute for Hydrology and Meteorology – NIMH

11:00 – 11:15

Project Smart4Cov19/Telemedicine – studying  FPM using Sentinel 5p

Prof. Lachezar Filchev, Prof. Georgi Jelev, Assoc. Prof. Maria Dimitrova, Plamen Trenchev, PhD., Space Research and Technology Institute – SRTI-BAS

11:15 – 11:30

The role of remote sensing data to elucidate the physical interpretation of climatological Lagrangian Coherent Structures

Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCS), or the hidden skeleton of fluid flows, basically, are material lines that organize the fluid-flow transport. Briefly, the attracting (or repelling) LCS take the form of material lines that plays a dominant role in attracting/repelling neighboring fluid elements to/from itself. Through extensive geostrophic velocity data, derived from altimeter data or hydrodynamic models, it is possible to extract the quasi-steady Lagrangian transport patterns. Despite the LCS as a tool to identify turbulent flow structures in real-time, the climatological LCS (cLCS) characterizes the Lagrangian transport patterns without the need for initial positions or an initial time. In both tools it is important to elucidate the physical interpretation of the Lagrangian transport. This contribution comes from remote sensing data and in-situ data. This data supported the climatological squeezelines and climatological attraction strength computed from a long time series of ocean current velocity data.

Mainara Biazati Gouveia, Elisaveta Peneva

Department of Meteorology and Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, Sofia University

11:30 – 11:45

Creation of digital learning content with data from the Copernicus program for secondary education

The presentation will focus on trainings related to the use of Copernicus EU data in secondary education, both by teachers and by the students. Experience from joint initiatives with the Bulgarian Geographical Society, the Faculty of Geology and Geography of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” will be presented.

Eugenia Sarafova, Ph.D., Pixel Company Studio

11:45 – 12:00

An interactive geography educational portal using Copernicus and open access data

Vassil Vassilev, Nadya Tsvetkova, Geopolymorphic Ltd.

Prof. Dr. Nadezhda Ilieva, NIGGG-BAS

12:00 – 12:45

Virtual Lunch break – presentations for Copernicus programme

12:45 – 14:30


12:45 – 13:30

Introduction to earthblox


13:30 – 14:30

Move to CREODIAS to make your work with EODATA more efficient

We are pleased to invite you to attend the session „Move to CREODIAS to make your work with EO data more efficient”. During the workshop you’ll learn how to use CREODIAS platform’s full potential. CREODIAS is one of the European DIAS (Data and Information Access Services) platforms, aimed at facilitating access to satellite data and ensuring the possibility of its processing in the cloud, as well as the creation of its own applications and services.

Marcin Gil, CloudFerro

Marcin Szreder, EO Data Analyst, CloudFerro

14:30 – 14:45

Virtual Coffee break – presentations for Copernicus programme

14:45 – 16:30


14:45 – 15:45

WEkEO platform for access and processing of Copernicus data in cloud environment

The presentation will start by a global display of WEkEO ecosystem, functions and services. We will then focus on the 3 services WEkEO provide : Data Access, JupyterLab, and Cloud Computing ressources. Three datasets from Copernicus Marine, Copernicus Land and Copernicus Climat will be used to show how to download and process data on WEkEO.

Jean-Etienne Doazan (WEkEO User Support)

15:45 – 16:30

ECLIPSE – software to work effectively in the space sector – Introduction and Demo

Mike Dubach, Sales Executive – Digital Solutions, Sapienza Consulting

16:30 – 17:00

Wrap-up session and Closing ceremony


The Proceedings from the III-rd national workshop with international participation under the EU Copernicus programme will be published here one month after the seminar.


The event is organised by GEO Polymorphic Cloud – Copernicus Relays,

Space Research and Technology Institute at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (SRTI-BAS) – Copernicus Academy


Cluster for Aerospace Technology, Research and Applications (CASTRA)

Сдружение GEO Polymorphic Cloud
Basic RGB

The event is supported by:


This seminar is supported by the European Union’s Caroline Herschel Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake under grant agreement No: FPA 275/G/GRO/COPE/17/10042, project FPCUP (Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake), Action No.: 2018-1-86 “Copernicus Awareness Raising Programme for Bulgaria – COPE4BG” (2019/SI2.819207/06).

FP-CUP implementing partners – SRTI-BAS and CASTRA.


Important Information

Participation in the event is free, without registration fee.

In case you are already working with Copernicus data and products, we would be happy if you share your experience. Do it by participating with a presentation at the seminar on 15 of Dec 2022.

  • Presentations must be delivered within 15 minutes. For this purpose, you need to prepare a presentation and an abstract.
  • Presentations and abstracts should be formatted according to the templates you can download below.

Dates for registration

for the information and conference sessions of the seminar on 14/15th of Dec 2022

01.11.2022 – 13.12.2022

The deadline for requesting a presentation in the scientific and business sessions expired on 01.12.2022.


Registered participants for the scientific and business sessions on 14-15.12.2022, will receive an e-mail with links in Zoom for live broadcasts after 09.12.2022

Non-registered participants could join each session of the event through YouTube HERE. If there are question for the live broadcast, please use the Question form below.

Video of the presentations will be published after 01.01.2023

Until then, you may be interested to follow the presentations from the previous I-st National Copernicus Workshop, held in 2018, or  II-nd National Copernicus Workshop, held in 2020

On 14-th and 15.12.2022, all registered participants will be able to ask their questions online on Zoom

Unregistered participants can use the following question form

After the webinars every attendee in Zoom, or YouTube, could share opinion, or suggestions for the event.

Please use the feedback form below, or write us on office@copernicus.bg:


All the registered participants will receive by e-mail a link to attend the online seminar.

Past Events


I-st National Workshop with international participation under the EU Copernicus programme – 2018


II-nd National Workshop with international participation under the EU Copernicus programme – 2020


Copernicus Academy

Space Research and Technology Institute at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (SRTI-BAS)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lachezar Filchev

Copernicus Relays

GEO Polymorphic Cloud

Vassil Vassilev
